Spooky Stories (Hardcover)
作者: Sam Baer, Andy Prentice, Russell Punter, Jonathan Weil 
系列: Illustrated Story Collections
分類: Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's / Teenage) ,
Short stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Interest age: from c 7 years  
書城編號: 28276059

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

購買此書 10本或以上 9折, 60本或以上 8折

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出版社: Usborne Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2024/09/12
頁數: 176
尺寸: 194 x 152 mm
ISBN: 9781805312000

Illustrated Story Collections

Forgotten Fairy Tales of Hope and Happiness (Hardcover)

Seriously Stinky Slimy Stories (Hardcover)

Spooky Stories (Hardcover)

Tales of Brave and Brilliant Animals (Hardcover)

Stories of Pixies, Elves and Goblins (Hardcover)

Illustrated Stories of Mermaids (Hardcover)

Illustrated Stories of Monsters, Ogres and Giants (and a Troll) (Hardcover)

Forgotten Fairy Tales of Kindness and Courage (Hardcover)

Illustrated Stories of Dragons (Hardcover)

10 Ten-Minute Animal Stories (Hardcover)

Tales of Brave and Brilliant Girls from Around the World (Hardcover)

Sam Baer 作者作品表

Superheroes Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Sharks Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Sharks Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

T. Rex Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Diwali Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Planes and Helicopters Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Wild Animals Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Birds Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Diwali Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

100 Paper Planes to Fold and Fly (Paperback)

Rainforest Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Big Picture Book of Long Ago (Hardcover)

Sticker Emergency Services (Paperback)

Atlas of the World Picture Book (Hardcover)

Andy Prentice 作者作品表

24 Hours in Antarctica (Hardcover)

Understanding Climate Change (Hardcover)

The Goblin's Revenge (Paperback)


The Fox and the Stork (Paperback)

Pinocchio (Hardcover)

The Fox and the Crow (Paperback)

Macbeth (Paperback)

Jason and the Argonauts (Paperback)

Little Red Riding Hood (Paperback)


Russell Punter 作者作品表

The Golden Dragon (Paperback)

Agent Arthur on the Stormy Seas (Paperback)

Daniel in the Lions' Den (Board Books)

Moses in the Basket (Board Books)

Noah's Ark (Board Books)

Jonah and the Whale (Board Books)

Agent Arthur's Arctic Adventure (Paperback)

Joseph and His Wonderful Coat (Board Books)

Superpoodle and the Mega Blaster (Paperback)

The Exceedingly Greedy Centipede (Hardcover)

Missing Unicorn (Paperback)

Mummy Mystery (Paperback)

The Mummy Mystery (Paperback)

The Really Evil Weevil (Paperback)

Supersquirrel and the Crazy Rain Maker (Paperback)

Raptor on a tractor (Paperback)

The Really Evil Weevil (Hardcover)

The Dinosaurs Who Loved Applause (Paperback)

Vroom, vroom, Baboon! (Paperback)

Daniel in the Lions' Den (Board book)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

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