Don't Think of Tigers (Library Binding)
作者: Alex Latimer 
書城編號: 28279953

售價: $220.00

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出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2024/10/22
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9780593815328

Dream up anything you like, dear reader, and watch it come to life on the next page--just no tigers! This fun read-aloud about creativity and perspeverance will have your reader giggling and inspired, all while our hero learns that with a bit of practice, even the wildest challenges can be tamed.

This book is MAGIC! Imagine anything you like, and the illustrator will draw it on the next page. There's only one rule: DON'T THINK OF TIGERS! Ready?

Oh dear. You thought of tigers, didn't you? Please, think of anything else. A cow doing ballet? No problem! Just no tigers. Our illustrator really, really can't draw tigers...

Or can he?

As his hilariously silly and irresistibly charming drawings of tigers improve, Alex Latimer delivers a subtle but important message about practice, creativity, and embracing imperfection.

A fun read-aloud that's sure to delight time and time again, this is the perfect book for kids who love to draw--and for those who don't (but might soon!).

Alex Latimer 作者作品表

Dragon Dave the (Not-So) Brave (HB) (Hardcover)

Dragon Dave the (Not-So) Brave (PB) (Paperback)

Don't Think of Tigers (Library Binding)

Don't Think of Tigers (Hardcover)

Don't Think of Tigers (Hardcover)

Gordon Starts a Band (Paperback)

The Duck Never Blinks (Paperback)

Godfrey is a Frog (Paperback)

Gordon: The Meanest Goose on Earth Volume 1 (Paperback)

Gordon the Meanest Goose on Earth (Paperback)

The Trouble with Earth (Hardcover)

eBook: Ray (DRM PDF)

The Duck Never Blinks (Hardcover)

The Duck Never Blinks (Hardcover)

Ray (1) (Paperback)

eBook: Food Fight (DRM PDF)

The Trouble with Earth (Paperback)

Food Fight (Hardcover)

eBook: Mole Hill (DRM PDF)

The Trouble with Earth (Hardcover)

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