Matt Sprouts and the Day Nora Ate the Sun: Volume 2 (Hardcover)
作者: Matthew Eicheldinger 
書城編號: 28284920

原價: HK$230.00
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出版社: Andrews & Mcmeel
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9781524888725

Matt Sprouts is back for another hilarious adventure! It's been a few months since Matt defeated "the Curse," and if you thought that was bad, get ready to meet Matt's latest challenge--Nora the goat. Have you ever babysat a goat before? Trust us, you do NOT want to do it. Join Matt, his little brother Elliott, his girlfriend Grace, his best friend Eric, and a mysterious kid who lives in the forest in the HILARIOUS sequel to the bestselling book, Matt Sprouts and the Curse of the Ten Broken Toes!

After defeating "the Curse," twelve-year-old Matt just wants to relax. But Dad has another idea--Matt needs to "build some character," whatever THAT means. So Matt ends up a pet sitting for his neighbor, Farmer Jed. Easy enough, right?


In fact, it's downright baaaaaaad.

The "pet" in question is Nora, an old goat with glassy eyes and short tail. Farmer Jed says she's "special." Matt's pretty sure, however, that the most impressive thing about Nora is how far her eyes can roll into the back of her head.

While trying to keep track of Nora and all her mysterious actions, Matt is also helping his girlfriend Grace with her Science Fair project, attending both soccer and Cross-Country practice, and, oh yeah, trying to avoid some scary guy named Jason who seemingly wants to enact perilous revenge on young Matt. More on that guy later.

So much for "time to relax"!

Matt Sprouts and the Day Nora Ate the Sun is a laugh-out-loud funny book with over 50 black-and-white illustrations by bestselling author Matt Eicheldinger. The text expertly weaves heartwarming moments with careful-you-might-pee-yourself-funny scenes.

"Funny, heartwarming, and impossible to put down, [The Curse of the 10 Broken Toes] is a must-read for anyone trying to survive the perils of middle school." - Dustin Brady, bestselling author of Trapped in a Video Game and other series.

Matthew Eicheldinger 作者作品表

Matt Sprouts and the Search for the Chompy Wompers! (Paperback)

Matt Sprouts and the Day Nora Ate the Sun: Volume 2 (Hardcover)

eBook: Matt Sprouts and the Day Nora Ate the Sun (DRM EPUB)

Matt Sprouts and the Curse of the Ten Broken Toes: Volume 1 (Hardcover)

eBook: Matt Sprouts and the Curse of the Ten Broken Toes (DRM EPUB)

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