Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love (Hardcover)
作者: Joseph Coelho 
書城編號: 28284949

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/12/03
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781536241297

From former UK Children's Laureate Joseph Coelho comes an extraordinary collection of tales--each one illustrated by a different artist, and each just ten words long.

Is it possible to tell a tale of love using just ten words? The answer is an enthusiastic yes. And when those words are joined by illustrations from twenty top creators, the results can be stunning. In this unique compendium designed to spark the imagination, Joseph Coelho brings us cherished moments between siblings, worlds where nature blooms and heals, touching tales of beloved pets, and more. Each ten-word tale has been paired with one of the finest illustrators working today, among them Jon Klassen, Jarvis, Bob Graham, Myo Yim, Victoria Turnbull, and Ken Wilson-Max. Together the words and pictures set up a space for creativity as young readers imagine how the story might unravel--and are inspired to pen a ten-word tiny tale of their own. Prefaced by a note from the author, and with two creative writing challenges at the back, this is the perfect gift for all those ready to unleash their imaginations.

With artwork from:
Katherine Child * Fruzsina Czech * Diane Ewen * Jim Field * Bob Graham * Katie May Green * Mini Grey * Mark Janssen * Jarvis * Baljinder Kaur * Heather Kilgour * Jon Klassen * Fiona Lumbers * Steve McCarthy * Rikin Parekh * Natalia Shaloshvili * Sydney Smith * Beth Suzanna * Victoria Turnbull * Ken Wilson-Max * Myo Yim

Joseph Coelho 作者作品表

Children on the Throne (Hardcover)

Children on the Throne (Hardcover)

Luna Loves Gardening (Paperback)

Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love (Hardcover)

Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love (Hardcover)

The Christmas Tree Mouse (Paperback)

Relic Hamilton, Genie Hunter (Paperback)

Poetry Play Kit: Create your own poems with fun games and activities (Game)

Swords and Bikes: Band 16/Sapphire (Paperback)

Goodnight, Starry Night: Bedtime poems inspired by works of art (Hardcover)

Spooky Poems Aloud: 25 Poems to Frighten and Delight (Hardcover)

Luna Loves Christmas (Paperback)

The Poetry Kit: Create Your Own Poems with Fun Games and Activities (Board Games)

Spooky Poems Aloud: 25 Poems to Frighten and Delight (Hardcover)

First Little Rhymes: Out and About (Board book)

Spin!: 10 Exciting New Voices in Poetry (Paperback)

Luna Loves Gardening (Hardcover)

The Boy Lost in the Maze (Hardcover)

One Little Word (Paperback)

Courage Out Loud: 25 Poems of Power (Paperback)

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