eBook: Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments 3e (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Claire Barcham 
分類: Care of the mentally ill ,
Social work  
書城編號: 28290516

售價: $273.00

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2024/06/11
頁數: 231
ISBN: 9780335249145
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This updated accessible pocketbook is a helpful addition for all practitioners and decision makers operating within the Mental Health Act process.Jason Brandon, Mental Health Social Work Lead, Office of the Chief Social Worker for Adults, England, UKThis books remarkable strength lies in its ability to navigate the intricacies of the AMHP role with both practicality and simplicity. I eagerly anticipate our candidates delving into this text, as it promises to provide invaluable insight and guidance for AMHP practice.Sandra Wilkinson, Senior Lecturer & Programme Lead in Advanced Mental Health Practice, UKReturning in its revised and updated third edition, this celebrated and handy pocketbook provides key advice for busy professionals on the day-to-day aspects of using and applying the Mental Health Act. The practicing AMHP and student will find this guide invaluable for quickly finding the information they need to set up, undertake and complete an assessment under the Mental Health Act. The new edition features:Brand new and updated key points of law, highlights from the Code of Practice, checklists, key issues and remindersUpdated references to Deprivation of Liberty SafeguardsAdditional information around assessing in specific situations, including a guide to undertaking assessments of people on the autistic spectrumUpdated guidance on joint working with the police, particularly in relation to sections 135 & 136.This quick-reference guide to law, regulations and good practice is essential reading for student and experienced AMHPs, health professionals, the police, and all those practicing and studying to undertake Mental Health Act assessments.Claire Barcham has been a qualified social worker for over 30 years, and an AMHP (a role she has maintained through a range of other professional roles) for more than 25 years. She currently combines work supporting organisational development with a policy and practice role with ADASS.
Claire Barcham 作者作品表

The Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments 3e (3 ed) (Paperback)

eBook: Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments 3e (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments 3e (DRM EPUB)

Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments (Paperback)

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