eBook: Web Accessibility Cookbook (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Manuel Matuzovic 
分類: Behavioural economics ,
E-commerce: business aspects ,
Web graphics & design ,
Web services ,
User interface design & usability  
書城編號: 28292484

售價: $533.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: O'Reilly Media
出版日期: 2024/06/14
頁數: 382
ISBN: 9781098145569
>> 相關實體書

Frontend developers have to consider many things: browser compatibility, usability, performance, scalability, SEO, and other best practices. But the most fundamental aspect of creating websites is one that often falls short: accessibility. Accessibility is the cornerstone of any website, and if a website is inaccessible, users won't be able to interact with it, obtain information, sign up for services, or buy products.The Web Accessibility Cookbook provides you with dozens of recipes to help you avoid these failures. You'll learn how to build common components, such as main navigation, filters, and dialogs, in an accessible manner. Each recipe not only explains how to build things but also why. Author Manuel Matuzovic provides the knowledge you need to create your own accessible components and address your users' varying needs, abilities, and preferences.With this practical guide, you will:Learn how to build websites that feature inclusive frontendsDiscover the common obstacles website users face every dayUnderstand how your decisions impact usersLearn how to build accessible frontends step-by-stepWrite high-quality markup and CSSEvaluate the accessibility of frontend components
Manuel Matuzovic 作者作品表

eBook: Web Accessibility Cookbook (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Web Accessibility Cookbook (DRM PDF)

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