eBook: Creating Change: A Past-Focused Treatment for Trauma and Addiction (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lisa M. Najavits 
分類: Psychotherapy ,
Trauma & shock ,
Addiction & therapy  
書城編號: 28293779

售價: $715.00

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製造商: Guilford Publications
出版日期: 2024/06/17
頁數: 377
ISBN: 9781462554645
>> 相關實體書

This flexible, evidence-based manual offers counselors a gentle, compassionate approach to help people with trauma, addiction, or both explore their past. Creating Change guides clients to understand how trauma and addiction arose over time, grieve losses and regrets, create a new perspective on their life story, and take pride in their survival. The manual has 23 topics that can be implemented in any order with individuals or groups. Topics include Relationship Patterns, Break the Silence, Deepen Your Story, Darkness and Light, Emotions and Healing, and Influences: Family, Community, Culture. Creating Change can be implemented with any other treatment, including the author's present-focused model, Seeking Safety. The book has a convenient large-size format and includes 70 reproducible handouts, many of which can be downloaded and printed at the companion website. See also Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse, and the self-help guide Finding Your Best Self, Revised Edition: Recovery from Addiction, Trauma, or Both, an ideal client recommendation.
Lisa M. Najavits 作者作品表

eBook: Creating Change: A Past-Focused Treatment for Trauma and Addiction (DRM PDF)

Creating Change: A Past-Focused Treatment for Trauma and Addiction (Paperback)

eBook: Creating Change: A Past-Focused Treatment for Trauma and Addiction (DRM PDF)

eBook: Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse (DRM PDF)

eBook: Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse (DRM PDF)

eBook: Finding Your Best Self, Revised Edition: Recovery from Addiction, Trauma, or Both (DRM PDF)

eBook: Finding Your Best Self, Revised Edition: Recovery from Addiction, Trauma, or Both (DRM PDF)

eBook: Recovery from Trauma, Addiction, or Both: Strategies for Finding Your Best Self (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Recovery from Trauma, Addiction, or Both: Strategies for Finding Your Best Self (DRM PDF)

eBook: Recovery from Trauma, Addiction, or Both: Strategies for Finding Your Best Self (DRM PDF)

8 Keys to Trauma and Addiction Recovery (Paperback)

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