eBook: Realized Light of the Twelve Dimensions: Cosmic Rebirthing and Our Celestial Destiny (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Joshua Reichmann 
分類: Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem ,
Reiki ,
Spirit guides, angels & channelling  
書城編號: 28294359

售價: $234.00

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製造商: Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
出版日期: 2024/08/06
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781591434917
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*; Explores the evolving state of humanity, the 12 spectral dimensions of experience, and the cosmic mechanics of our physical and metaphysical reality*; Presents Pleiadian methods to develop your psychic abilities and channeling capacities, as well as techniques for reading the Akashic records, safely traversing the etheric realms, and lucid dreaming*; Examines the Mind Stream, how our consciousness interacts with our physical reality, as well as the Heart Beam, which enables access to the highest dimensions and connects us to the Cosmic HeartHumanity is undergoing a cosmic rebirth. Profound cosmic shifts have precipitated this awakening, stimulating our DNA and kundalini energies while also bringing us into chaotic challenges, all pushing us toward an eventual future of unimagined harmony. We must learn to maximize our role in this new aeon to embrace our potential and achieve enlightenment for all sentient beings.Sharing Channeled wisdom from the Cosmic Christ and our celestial guardians the Pleiadians, Joshua Reichmann explains how light, vibration, form, formlessness, and mind all swirl in concert to create the cosmos. He presents Channeled knowledge on the evolving state of humanity, the 12 spectral dimensions of experience, the Akashic records, and the cosmic mechanics of our physical and metaphysical reality. He examines the mind stream, which includes the perceptual entanglement of our consciousness with reality. He explains how life force energy is superanimated at this time, activating and enhancing our multitude of senses, including our extrasensory capacities. He shows how to move through the darker saturnal realms of Satan, the samsaric force, where we must neutralize evil to be free. He details how the highest dimensions we access come through the heart beam, which expresses itself through the chakra system and the auric layers of the rainbow body and connects us to the cosmic heart.Revealing what we can do during this precious time of rapid energetic change, the author presents advanced methods to develop your psychic abilities and Channeling capacities as well as techniques for reading the Akashic Records, safely traversing the etheric realms, lucid dreaming, and recognizing the unseen beingsangels, buddhas, and Cosmic Christwithin and around us. Presenting a Pleiadian guide to cosmic, planetary, and consciousness upgrades, this book reveals how the cosmic rebirth is occurring, where we are headed, and how to navigate it all.
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