eBook: Wild Swans and Other Tales (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Hans Christian Andersen 
書城編號: 28295091

原價: HK$169.00
現售: HK$160.55 節省: HK$8.45

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製造商: Max Bollinger
出版日期: 2024/05/26
頁數: 279
ISBN: 9781787369979

The Wild Swans is one of the eighteen stories featured in this timeless collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. The story tells of a faraway kingdom where lives a widowed King with his twelve children: eleven princes and one princess. One day, he decides to remarry. He marries a wicked queen who was a witch. Out of spite, the queen turns her eleven stepsons into swans and forces them to fly away. The queen then tries to bewitch their 15-year old sister Elisa.
Hans Christian Andersen 作者作品表

The Little Mermaid Classic Pop-up and Play (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen Tales (Paperback)

The Little Mermaid Colouring Book (Paperback)

The Little Mermaid and Other Tales (Hardcover)

The Snow Queen (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales (Collector's Edition) (Hardcover)

Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales: Retold by Naomi Lewis (Paperback)

The Little Mermaid and Other Tales (Other book format)

Rudy and Babette (Paperback)

Stories from Hans Andersen (Paperback)

The Sand-Hills of Jutland (Paperback)

The Ice-Maiden and Other Tales (Paperback)

eBook: Wild Swans and Other Tales (mp3 zips)

eBook: Snow Queen and Other Tales (mp3 zips)

Andersen's Fairy Tales (Paperback)

Pictures Of Sweden (Paperback)

eBook: Pictures of Sweden (DRM EPUB)

The Hans Christian Andersen Collection (Compact Disc)

The Hans Christian Andersen Collection (MP3 CD)

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