The Rat Queen (Paperback)
作者: Pete Hautman 
書城編號: 28303697

原價: HK$110.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/09/10
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781536239782

"Exemplary storytelling. . . . There are dark corners to explore and challenging lessons to be learned, but the overall effect is magical." -- Booklist (starred review)

For Annie's tenth birthday, her papa gives her a pad of paper, some colored pencils, and the Klimas family secret. It's called the nuodeema burna, or eater of sins. Every time Annie misbehaves, she has to write down her transgression and stick the paper into a hidey-hole in the floor of their house. But Annie's inheritance has a dark side: with each paper fed to the burna, she feels less guilty about the mean things she says and does. As a plague of rats threatens her small suburban town and the mystery of her birthright grows, Annie--caught in a cycle of purging her misdeeds--begins to stop growing. It is only when she travels to her family's home country of Litvania to learn more about the burna that Annie uncovers the magnitude of the truth. Gripping and emotionally complex, National Book Award winner Pete Hautman's inventive yarn for middle-grade readers draws on magical realism to explore coming-of-age and the path to moral responsibility.

Pete Hautman 作者作品表

Answers to Dog (Compact Disc)

Answers to Dog (Hardcover)

The Rat Queen (Paperback)

The Rat Queen (MP3 CD)

eBook: Road Tripped (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Forgetting Machine (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Flinkwater Factor (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Klaatu Terminus (mp3 zips)

eBook: Short Money (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mrs. Million (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mortal Nuts (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Drawing Dead (DRM EPUB)

What Boys Really Want (Paperback)

The Obsidian Blade (Klaatu Diskos)

eBook: All-in (DRM EPUB)

Blank Confession (paperback)

eBook: Sweetblood (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Doohickey: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: No Limit (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Godless (DRM EPUB)

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