Japanese Cinema and Punk: Independence, Intermediality and Mediascapes (Hardcover)
作者: Mark Player 
系列: World Cinema
分類: Film theory & criticism ,
Asian history ,
書城編號: 28305392

售價: $1190.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2025/03/06 (快將出版)
頁數: 272
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9781350378568


In Japanese Cinema and Punk, Mark Player examines how the do-it-yourself ethos of punk empowered a new generation of Japanese filmmakers during a period of crisis and change in Japan's film industry.

Drawing on first-hand interviews with key figures from the jishu eiga (self-made film) tradition, including Ishii Gakuryu, Yamamoto Masashi, Tsukamoto Shin'ya, and Fukui Shozin, Player explores how punk's bricolage style was leveraged to create exciting intermedial film aesthetics. These aesthetics were influenced by punk rock, graffiti art, street performance, animation, and evolving music technologies.

By considering the practical, phenomenological, and political ramifications of blending diverse media elements, Player offers in-depth analyses of films such as Burst City (1982), Robinson's Garden (1987), and Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989). He further traces the changing sociocultural position of Japan's punk movement throughout the 1980s-from its euphoric early-80s peak to the growing disillusionment caused by its mainstream co-optation and convergence.

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