Spin to Survive: Deep Space Danger: Decide Your Destiny with a Pop-Out Fortune Spinner! (Hardcover)
作者: Giles Sparrow 
書城編號: 28305655

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Wide Eyed Ed
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 1.2 kg
ISBN: 9780711287778


Spin to Survive: Deep Space Danger, the fourth in the series, launches you on your most daring adventure yet: surviving on board a spaceship heading for disaster.

The innovative Spin to Survive series boldly goes where no game-in-a-book has gone before with its fourth instalment. As part of a pioneering mission to Mars, you've earned your place as one of Earth's greatest explorers. Now, become its most tenacious hero as you fight for your life and the lives of your crew when your spaceship meets with catastrophe. All systems are down, your crewmates are gone, and you're millions of miles from help.

Armed only with your scientific knowhow, a few scraps of hi-tech gear and, of course, your astronaut's Survival Spinner, it's up to you to avert the impending calamity. Will you abort the mission and set a course for home, try to bring the spaceship back online and complete your journey, or attempt to divert to a nearby asteroid mining station?

On each spread, read the story, make your choice, then use the pop-out spinner to determine if it was the lucky one... or not! With dozens of paths and unexpected disasters along the way, readers aged 8-12 will love embarking on this journey again and again.

Play your way through a host of hazards as you fight to survive, enduring solar flares, asteroid belts, space-walks, and more interplanetary challenges. Prepare for adventure... and take to the stars!

Giles Sparrow 作者作品表

The Space Traveller's Guide: Space Exploration (Hardcover)

The Space Traveller's Guide: The Sun and Stars (Hardcover)

The Space Traveller's Guide: Earth and the Inner Planets (Hardcover)

The Space Traveller's Guide: The Outer Planets (Hardcover)

The Space Book (Paperback)

The Space Book: A Journey through Our Incredible Universe (Paperback)

Spin to Survive: Deep Space Danger: Decide Your Destiny with a Pop-Out Fortune Spinner! (Novelty book)

Spin to Survive: Deep Space Danger: Decide Your Destiny with a Pop-Out Fortune Spinner! (Hardcover)

Can We Live on Mars?: Mind Mappers--Making Difficult Subjects Easy to Understand (Hardcover)

Astronomy for Curious Kids: An Illustrated Introduction to the Solar System, Our Galaxy, Space Travel--And More! (Hardcover)

Astronomy for Curious Kids: An Illustrated Introduction to the Solar System, Our Galaxy, Space Travel-and More! (Hardcover)

eBook: History of Our Universe in 21 Stars: (That You Can Spot in the Night Sky) (DRM EPUB)

The History of Our Universe in 21 Stars: (That You Can Spot in the Night Sky) (Paperback)

Phenomena: Doppelmayr's Celestial Atlas (Hardcover)

Phaenomena: Doppelmayr's Celestial Atlas (Hardcover)

eBook: Instant Physics: Key Thinkers, Theories, Discoveries and Concepts (DRM EPUB)

Secrets in the Skies (Hardcover)

Amazing Book of Space (Paperback)

Amazing Book of Science (Paperback)

eBook: Big Book of Science: The Ultimate Children's Guide (DRM EPUB)

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