The Capitalist Economy and Its Prosthetics: Necessity, Evolution and Dilemmas of a Brotherhood (Paperback)
作者: Gerhard H. Wächter 
書城編號: 28306389

售價: $450.00

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出版社: Transcript Verlag
出版日期: 2024/08/06
重量: 0.71 kg
ISBN: 9783837672787

Notwithstanding its ruthless dynamics, the capitalist economy has the flaw of deficient employment-generating spending. This leads to unemployment of non-owners, individual suffering, social unrest and it undermines military strength. To deal with these issues, states use prosthetic policies, artificial transfers to the productive economy and to non-owners. But the funding of such prosthetic policies - through violent wealth appropriation abroad, protectionism, war, domestic expropriation and taxation, debt and money creation - is caught in dilemmas, while politicians are caught between non-solutions. According to Gerhard H. W
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