Cold Snap (hardcover)
作者: Eileen Spinelli 
書城編號: 283132

原價: HK$224.00
現售: HK$212.8 節省: HK$11.2

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出版社: Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
出版日期: 2012/10/09
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9780375857003

Warm up with this charming neighborly tale about a small town determined to beat the deep freeze from a beloved picture-book author and a two-time Caldecott Honor illustrator

It's snowy cold in the town of Toby Mills. The thermometer is sinking toward zero, and the icicle hanging from the nose of General Toby's statue is growing closer to the ground. The newspaper headline reads "COLD SNAP " The people of the town are losing hope--and the feeling in their toes--until the mayor's wife saves the day with a toasty treat.

Eileen Spinelli 作者作品表

One Earth (Board Books)

I Am Kind to Myself (Hardcover)

Birdie (Paperback)

One Earth (hardcover)

eBook: Birdie (DRM EPUB)

Nora's Ark (Hardcover)

Thankful (Hardcover)

Counting Blessings (Hardcover)

Cold Snap (Paperback)

Another Day as Emily (Paperback)

Cold Snap (hardcover)

Together at Christmas (hardcover)

Miss Fox's Class Gets It Wrong (hardcover)

A Big Boy Now (hardcover)

Jonah's Whale (hardcover)

The Best Story (hardcover)

Sophie's Masterpiece: A Spider's Tale (paperback)

When Mama Comes Home Tonight (Paperback)

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch (paperback)

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