eBook: Spanish English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: DK 
系列: DK Bilingual Visual Dictionaries
分類: Bilingual & multilingual dictionaries ,
Language self-study texts ,
ELT: English for business ,
French ,
書城編號: 28314162

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
出版日期: 2024/06/06
頁數: 360
ISBN: 9780241701348
>> 相關實體書

Learn more than 10,000 of the most useful words and phrases in Spanish with this illustrated dictionary for Spanish-language students. Building on the success of the English for Everyone course books and the Bilingual Visual Dictionary series, the Spanish English Visual Dictionary uses crystal-clear illustrations to show the meaning of over 10,000 Spanish vocabulary words. Fancy becoming an expert in the language? Then open the pages of this Spanish dictionary to discover: A guide to a wide range of useful Spanish words and expressions. Structured sections around a theme (e.g. sports, food and drink, transport). Clear, attractive illustrations make the vocabulary easy to understand and remember. Whether you are brushing up on your skills or learning the language from scratch, this dictionary makes learning and understanding Spanish easy. The words are shown visually in themed sections covering practical or everyday topics (such as shopping, food, or study), providing learners with all the vocabulary they need for work, travel, and leisure. Spanish English Visual Dictionary is incredibly easy to use and can be used for self-study or as a reference in the classroom. It is suitable for learners at all levels, from beginner to advanced.
DK Bilingual Visual Dictionaries

Korean English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Hindi English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Polish English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Russian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Ukrainian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Arabic English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Japanese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Mandarin Chinese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Portuguese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

eBook: Portuguese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DRM EPUB)

eBook: German English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Spanish English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Italian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DRM EPUB)

eBook: French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DRM EPUB)

Spanish English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

Italian English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

German English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Paperback)

DK 作者作品表

Science Year by Year: A Visual History - From Stone Tools to Space Travel (Hardcover)

World War II the Definitive Visual History (Hardcover)

100 First Words (Board Books)

Cities That Changed History (Hardcover)

General Knowledge Genius, 2nd Edition (Hardcover)

The Civil War (Hardcover)

Pests and Diseases: Keep Your Produce and Plants Healthy (Hardcover)

RSPB What's that Bird?: The Simplest ID Guide (Paperback)

Beginner's Step-by-Step Coding Course: Learn Computer Programming the Easy Way (Hardcover)

Core Strength Training (Hardcover)

Beginner's Step-By-Step Coding Course: Learn Computer Programming the Easy Way (Hardcover)

Star Wars Mundos Y Escenarios (Star Wars Complete Locations New Edition): (Nueva Edición) (Hardcover)

DK Super Readers Level 4 I'm an Activist (Paperback)

DK Super Readers Level 4 I'm an Activist (Hardcover)

DK Super Readers Level 3 Emergency Rescue (Paperback)

DK Super Readers Level 3 Emergency Rescue (Hardcover)

DK Super Readers Level 4 Spies (Paperback)

DK Super Readers Level 4 Spies (Hardcover)

Pop-Up Peekaboo! Frozen (Board Books)

DK Super Readers Level 3 Basketball (Paperback)

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