Zen Shorts (hardcover)
作者: Jon J. Muth 
書城編號: 283177

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2005/03/01
重量: 0.56 kg
ISBN: 9780439339117


Stillwater, the beloved Zen panda, now in his own Apple TV+ original series!

Jon J Muth, author of the best-selling book, The Three Questions, has crafted another profound and winning picture book.

"Michael," said Karl. "There's a really big bear in the backyard." This is how three children meet Stillwater, a giant panda who moves into the neighborhood and tells amazing tales. To Addy he tells a story about the value of material goods. To Michael he pushes the boundaries of good and bad. And to Karl he demonstrates what it means to hold on to frustration. With graceful art and simple stories that are filled with love and enlightenment, Jon Muth -- and Stillwater the bear -- present three ancient Zen tales that are sure to strike a chord in everyone they touch.
Jon J. Muth 作者作品表

Addy's Cup of Sugar (PB) (Paperback)

Zen Shorts (PB) (Paperback)

Zen Ghosts (hardcover)

Zen Ties (hardcover)

Zen Shorts (hardcover)

Tres Preguntas, Las (Paperback)

Stone Soup (hardcover)

The Three Questions [Based on a story by Leo Tolstoy]

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