How We See Ourselves: How Psychology, Society and the Media Impact our Body Image (Paperback)
作者: David Cohen 
分類: Gender studies: men ,
Sociology ,
Anthropology ,
Psychology of gender ,
Social, group or collective psychology ,
Health psychology ,
書城編號: 28319265

售價: $420.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7-14 天

出版社: Taylor & Francis Ltd
出版日期: 2024/12/17 (快將出版)
頁數: 148
尺寸: 216 x 138 mm
ISBN: 9781032546285

This light-hearted and entertaining book, authored by top psychologist David Cohen, explores the influences and impacts on our perception of body image, examining the power of appearance and the psychology behind how we think and feel about ourselves physically.
David Cohen 作者作品表

How We See Ourselves: How Psychology, Society and the Media Impact our Body Image (Paperback)

How We See Ourselves: How Psychology, Society and the Media Impact our Body Image (Hardcover)

eBook: How the Child's Mind Develops (DRM EPUB)

eBook: How the Child's Mind Develops (DRM PDF)

How the Child's Mind Develops (0004) (Hardcover)

How the Child's Mind Develops (0004) (Paperback)

The Software Developer's Guide to Linux: A practical, no-nonsense guide to using the Linux command line and utilities as a software developer (Paperba

eBook: Book of My Son Reuben: A Psychologist on the Loss of His Child (DRM PDF)

eBook: Book of My Son Reuben: A Psychologist on the Loss of His Child (DRM EPUB)

When Life Returns: Poems of the Pandemic (Paperback)

eBook: New Power of Children and Young People (DRM EPUB)

eBook: New Power of Children and Young People (DRM PDF)

eBook: Inspecting Psychology: How the Rise of Psychological Ideas Influenced the Development of Detective Fiction (DRM PDF)

eBook: Inspecting Psychology: How the Rise of Psychological Ideas Influenced the Development of Detective Fiction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Surviving Lockdown: Human Nature in Social Isolation (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Surviving Lockdown: Human Nature in Social Isolation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fridays with Jim: Conversations about our country with Jim Bolger (DRM EPUB)

What Bugs You?: The Book of Irritations (Paperback)

Churchill & Attlee (Hardcover)

eBook: H - TN (DRM PDF)

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