The Royal Ranger: The Ambush at Sorato (Hardcover)
作者: John Flanagan 
書城編號: 28319460

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Viking Books For Young Readers
出版日期: 2024/10/15
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9780593463871

International bestselling author John Flanagan returns to world of Ranger's Apprentice in the seventh installment of the Royal Ranger series in which Will and Maddie must travel through Toscana and encounter the dangerous Temujai forces.

Will and Maddie are in Toscana on a diplomatic mission when word comes of a cavalry force crossing the northern body and marauding through the countryside.

At the behest of the emperor, the rangers head north to investigate. They discover that the invaders are a group of Temujai--a reconnaissance force searching for a place to penetrate and invade. So Will and Maddie must split up to gather forces and information in order to push the Temujai back once again.

As the Temujai move their forces ahead, cutting at the Toscan forces, Maddie and Will must step up and lead their allies to victory, despite the danger of one of their greatest enemies.

John Flanagan 作者作品表

The Royal Ranger: The Ambush at Sorato (Hardcover)

The Royal Ranger: Arazan's Wolves (Paperback)

El Rescate de Erak # 7 (Paperback)

The Ruins of Gorlan: Book One (Paperback)

eBook: Royal Ranger: Arazan's Wolves (DRM EPUB)

The Royal Ranger: Arazan's Wolves (Hardcover)

The Stern Chase (Paperback)

Faith: The Believer's Passport (Paperback)

eBook: Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 6: Arazan's Wolves (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Stern Chase (DRM EPUB)

The Royal Ranger: Escape from Falaise (Paperback)

eBook: Brotherband 9: The Stern Chase (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Royal Ranger: Escape from Falaise (DRM EPUB)

Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 5: Escape from Falaise (Paperback)

eBook: Ranger's Apprentice The Royal Ranger 5: Escape from Falaise (DRM EPUB)

Duel at Araluen (paperback)

eBook: Return of the Temujai (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Duel at Araluen (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Royal Ranger: The Red Fox Clan (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cheyenne Winter (DRM EPUB)

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