"Tarzan the Terrible" is a thrilling adventure novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, set in the jungles of Africa. Published in 1921, it continues the saga of Tarzan, the orphaned son of British nobility raised by apes. In this installment, Tarzan sets out on a quest to find his wife Jane, who has been kidnapped by a tribe of warrior women known as the Kaji.
As Tarzan navigates through treacherous landscapes and encounters dangerous beasts, he also discovers ancient civilizations hidden within the jungle. Along the way, he forms alliances with both allies and enemies, battles fierce adversaries, and displays his unmatched skills as a jungle warrior and survivalist.
The novel explores themes of heroism, loyalty, and the clash between civilizations, as Tarzan confronts the mysteries of lost cities and ancient rituals while striving to rescue Jane. With its fast-paced action, vivid descriptions of the African wilderness, and the enduring appeal of its iconic hero, "Tarzan the Terrible" remains a classic tale of adventure and daring exploration.