eBook: Murderer Among Us (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Heather Graham 
分類: Crime & mystery ,
Thriller / suspense ,
書城編號: 28341463

售價: $52.00

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製造商: HarperCollins Publishers
出版日期: 2024/07/04
ISBN: 9780008939571

They only have each other to trust...A legendary rock band's reunion was just a ruse for FBI agent Chase McCoy's investigation. Twenty years ago, Skylark's lead singer died under suspicious circumstances. Chase knew Sky Ferguson was fronting the band in her father's honour for the same reason Chase had agreed to be the drummer. They wanted answers. But having to pose as a couple made them question just how far they'd go for the truth...
Heather Graham 作者作品表

The Murder Machine (Original) (Hardcover)

The Reaper Follows (First Time Trad) (Paperback)

Touch of Doubt & Yuletide Cold Case Cover-Up: Two Thrilling Christmas Novels (Reissue) (Mass Market Paperbound)

Legacy of Blood (Original) (Mass Market Paperbound)

Legacy of Blood (Original) (Hardcover)

A Murderer Among Us (Original) (Mass Market Paperbound)

A Murderer Among Us (Reissue) (Mass Market Paperbound)

eBook: Murderer Among Us (DRM EPUB)

Market for Murder (Original) (Hardcover)

Market for Murder (Original) (Mass Market Paperbound)

Death Behind Every Door (Original) (Mass Market Paperbound)

Death Behind Every Door (Original) (Hardcover)

eBook: Thriller (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Thriller (DRM EPUB)

The Reaper Follows ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

The Reaper Follows (Original) (Hardcover)

The Reaper Follows (Compact Disc)

The Reaper Follows (MP3 CD)

Shadow of Death: An FBI Romantic Suspense (Mass Market Paperbound)

Cursed at Dawn ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

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