eBook: International Space Law in the New Space Era: Principles and Challenges (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sandeepa Bhat B., Dilip Ukey, Adithya Variath 
分類: Geopolitics ,
Treaties & other sources of international law ,
International space & aerospace law ,
Space science  
書城編號: 28341653

售價: $975.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2024/07/04
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9780198909408

The increasingly commercial nature of space activities and the intent of States to expand space travel have spawned renewed attempts of changing the foundations of space law, most of which originated in the twentieth century. Understanding the principles of international space law is essential for ensuring a sustainable future for all in outer space. International Space Law in the New Space Era addresses the international legal and regulatory aspects of outer space that govern developments in the field worldwide. It covers the five United Nations' space treaties along with soft law and other policies. With contributions from established experts in the domain of space law, the volume encompasses the entire gamut of international space law while simultaneously addressing inadequacies that have arisen in light of current developments such as space commercialization, space tourism, and space mining. Space law as an academic discipline is gaining prominence in law schools across the globe and this book is the result of a joint endeavour of two prominent Indian law universities (NUJS, Kolkata & MNLU, Mumbai), which have specialized centres in air and space laws. With its balanced mix of theory and practice, this book provides a timely and accessible resource to understanding international law not only for students and academics, but also for policymakers, practitioners, and those working in the space industry.
Sandeepa Bhat B. 作者作品表

eBook: Space Tourism: Legal and Policy Aspects (DRM PDF)

eBook: Space Tourism: Legal and Policy Aspects (DRM EPUB)

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