eBook: Ethics of the Algorithm: Digital Humanities and Holocaust Memory (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Todd Presner, Anna Bonazzi, Rachel Deblinger, Lizhou Fan, Michelle Lee, Kyle Rosen, Campbell Yamane 
分類: History: theory & methods ,
The Holocaust ,
Media studies ,
Jewish studies ,
Social research & statistics ,
Information technology: general issues ,
Algorithms & data structures  
書城編號: 28342168

原價: HK$455.00
現售: HK$432.25 節省: HK$22.75

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Princeton University Press
出版日期: 2024/09/24
頁數: 456
ISBN: 9780691258980

How computational methods can expand how we see, read, and listen to Holocaust testimonyThe Holocaust is one of the most documentedand now digitizedevents in human history. Institutions and archives hold hundreds of thousands of hours of audio and video testimony, composed of more than a billion words in dozens of languages, with millions of pieces of descriptive metadata. It would take several lifetimes to engage with these testimonies one at a time. Computational methods could be used to analyze an entire archivebut what are the ethical implications of ';listening' to Holocaust testimonies by means of an algorithm? In this book, Todd Presner explores how the digital humanities can provide both new insights and humanizing perspectives for Holocaust memory and history.Presner suggests that it is possible to develop an ';ethics of the algorithm' that mediates between the ethical demands of listening to individual testimonies and the interpretative possibilities of computational methods. He delves into thousands of testimonies and witness accounts, focusing on the analysis of trauma, language, voice, genre, and the archive itself. Tracing the affordances of digital tools that range from early, proto-computational approaches to more recent uses of automatic speech recognition and natural language processing, Presner introduces readers to what may be the ultimate expression of these methods: AI-driven testimonies that use machine learning to process responses to questions, offering a user experience that seems to replicate an actual conversation with a Holocaust survivor.With Ethics of the Algorithm, Presner presents a digital humanities argument for how big data models and computational methods can be used to preserve and perpetuate cultural memory.

Michelle Lee 作者作品表

Between the Lighthouse and You (Paperback)

Don't Fall (Paperback)

Lucky Bastard Club (Paperback)

Rise Recreation (Paperback)

Palmzondag Recepten Voor de Hele Familie (Paperback)

De Drukke Professional Toewijding: 60 dagen devotie voor de drukke professional (Paperback)

Ronan (Paperback)

I S.P.I. Spicy Sorcery (Paperback)

The Space Between Us (Paperback)

See Me Revealed (Paperback)

I S.P.I. Mischievous Magic (Paperback)

See Me (Paperback)

Stolas (Paperback)

See Me Go (Paperback)

See Me Believe (Paperback)

Hawk (Paperback)

See Me Overcome (Paperback)

Recetas Con Ron Para Toda La Familia (Paperback)

Mango Recipes for the Entire Family to Enjoy (Paperback)

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