eBook: Introduction to Cinematography: Learning Through Practice (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Tania Hoser 
分類: The arts: general issues ,
Cinematography, television camerawork ,
Film, TV & radio ,
Film production: technical & background skills  
書城編號: 28342722

售價: $715.00

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製造商: Taylor & Francis
出版日期: 2024/08/27
頁數: 482
ISBN: 9781040037300
>> 相關實體書

Introduction to Cinematography offers a practical, stage-by-stage guide to learning, combining and using the creative and technical aspects of cinematography. Building from a skills-based approach focused on professional practice, cinematographer and award-winning author Tania Hoser provides a step-by-step introduction for both cinematographers and camera assistants to the techniques, processes and procedures of working with cameras, lenses and light.Building on the success of the first book, this second edition adds all-new chapters on virtual production and extended reality, as well as a significant increase in low-budget examples and case studies, to accommodate every reader.Richly illustrated, the book incorporates exercises and sample scripts throughout, exploring light, color, movement and the language of the lens. The principles and techniques of shaping and controlling light are applied to working with natural light and film lamps and, as with all areas of cinematography, show both high-end and low-budget options.This makes the second edition of Introduction to Cinematography the most up-to-date and essential resource for anyone aiming to acquire the full range of cinematography skills, allowing seamless progression from exercises through to full feature shoots. Assessment rubrics also provide a framework to measure progress as the reader's ability to visually interpret scripts and enhance the director's vision develops.
Tania Hoser 作者作品表

eBook: Introduction to Cinematography: Learning Through Practice (DRM PDF)

Introduction to Cinematography: Learning Through Practice (0002) (Paperback)

Introduction to Cinematography: Learning Through Practice (0002) (Hardcover)

Introduction to Cinematography (Paperback)

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