eBook: Beaver Who Saved Christmas (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Will Millard, Jo Lindley 
分類: Picture storybooks ,
Early learning / early learning concepts ,
True stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Natural history (Children’s/Teenage) ,
Wildlife (Children's / Teenage) ,
For National Curriculum Early Years ,
Interest age: from c 3 years ,
書城編號: 28344801

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Hachette Children's Group
出版日期: 2024/10/24
ISBN: 9781444978117
>> 相關實體書

A heart-warming true story about a baby beaver and a dam made of decorations, perfect to share with little ones this Christmas.In a beautiful village next to a creek, Elin and her Grandad are excited to decorate their home together for Christmas. But tinsel and broken lights cling to trees, and wrapping paper and plastic decorations have rolled into gardens and blown away down the hill, and a baby beaver gets trapped in the lights. Once safely rescued, the baby beaver amazes the world in a viral video when it builds a dam . . . out of Christmas decorations! Inspired to keep the beavers' home safe and rubbish-free, Elin's village comes together to clean the broken Christmas decorations away, giving the beaver - and each other - the happiest Christmas ever.Includes facts about beavers and the real events behind the true story!
Will Millard 作者作品表

The Squirrel Who Lost Her Nuts (Paperback)

The Beaver Who Saved Christmas (Paperback)

Animal Words for Little Zoologists: 100 Interesting Words! (Hardcover)

My First Day Fishing: An Angler's Almanac; with a foreword from Jeremy Wade (Hardcover)

Animal Words for Little Zoologists: 100 Interesting Words (Hardcover)

In the Tide Pool: A Magic Flaps Book (Board Books)

In the Garden: A Magic Flaps Book (Board Books)

In the Tree: A Magic Flaps Book (Board Books)

In the Pond: A Magic Flaps Book (Board Books)

Three Step Stories: In the Garden: Lift the Flaps to Discover First Nature Stories in 1... 2... 3! (Board book)

Three Step Stories: In the Rock Pool: Lift the Flaps to Discover First Nature Stories in 1... 2... 3! (Board book)

Three Step Stories: In the Tree: Lift the flaps to discover first nature stories in 1... 2... 3! (Hardcover)

Three Step Stories: In the Pond: Lift the flaps to discover first nature stories in 1... 2... 3! (Hardcover)

Old Man and the Sand Eel (Paperback)

Old Man and the Sand Eel (Hardcover)

eBook: Old Man and the Sand Eel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Old Man and the Sand Eel (mp3 zips)

Jo Lindley 作者作品表

Hello Autumn (Paperback)

Hello Spring (Paperback)

Hello Winter (Paperback)

Hello Summer (Paperback)

Hello Autumn (Paperback)

Hello Spring (Paperback)

Where Does My Poo Go? (Paperback)

eBook: Where Does My Poo Go? (DRM EPUB)

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