eBook: Witch Myths: Hags, Crones, and Enchantresses in Mythology (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lizzie Stoddart 
書城編號: 28345320

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Read Books Ltd.
出版日期: 2024/06/21
頁數: 190
ISBN: 9781528799270

Discover the original stories of nine magical women as we celebrate the witch in her truest form: a feminist icon. This powerful collection of mythological writings showcases the strength and prowess of witches. The witch has known many namesshe-devil, crone, sorceressand despite being often portrayed as villainous or evil, many original tales celebrated witches. From the Ancient Greek myths of Hecate and Circe to the Nordic sorceress Frejya and the Egyptian Goddess of Magic, Isis, examples of women revered for their powers can be found woven throughout literary history. Witch Myths is a diverse collection of some of the earliest recorded stories featuring witches, showcasing the feminine agency that sits at the heart of many of our myths and legends.Presenting beautiful black-and-white illustrations alongside lyrical poetry and age-old tales, Witch Myths breathes new life into the stories of magical women and resurrects the mythic witch for a modern readership.
Lizzie Stoddart 作者作品表

Witch Myths: Hags, Crones, and Enchantresses in Mythology (Hardcover)

eBook: Witch Myths: Hags, Crones, and Enchantresses in Mythology (DRM EPUB)

Witch Myths: Hags, Crones, and Enchantresses in Mythology (Paperback)

Queer Correspondence: Literary Love Letters and Lyrics (Paperback)

eBook: Queer Correspondence: Literary Love Letters and Lyrics (DRM EPUB)

Dark Fairy Tales: A Disturbing Collection of Original Stories (Paperback)

Dark Fairy Tales: A Disturbing Collection of Original Stories (Hardcover)

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