eBook: Wine Flavour Guide: How to Pick the Best Wine for Every Occasion (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sam Caporn 
分類: Cooking for parties ,
Wines ,
Shopping guides ,
Gift books ,
Holidays & seasonal interest  
書城編號: 28345378

售價: $260.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Vintage Publishing
出版日期: 2024/09/05
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781529926385
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What if there was a method for picking the best wine for you, on any budget and for any occasion? The Wine Flavour Guide is the illustrated book all wine lovers and connoisseurs need. Sam Caporn is one of just over 400 people in the world to hold the expert status of Master of Wine. Drawing on three decades of experience tasting thousands of bottles as a consultant for brands and supermarkets, she created the Wine Flavour Tree infographic to demystify the 10 major categories you ll encounter. In this informative visual guide to flavours, Caporn, the Mistress of Wine, covers everything you need to know about choosing and enjoying wine at any price points, throughout the seasons. Discover: How to decode any wine label and buy the best value bottle Which wines you are likeliest to enjoy on a menu Simple expert tips for pairing your meal with a delicious wine What the names of wine styles can tell you about quality How wine is made and categorised around the worldBy mastering the Wine Flavour Tree, you ll never stand in the wine aisle for long, order the second cheapest option on the menu, or pick wines that overwhelm your palate again.
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