Praise for Which Reminds Me,... More delightful stories from Dr. Jim Weber, retired surgeon, turned yoga doc! We are invited to celebrate with him a variety of unusual occurrences: celebrity encounters, swim meets, copping out, hairy decision making, James Joyce agonistes, the etiquette expert off duty. And much more. Mary Starkebaum, M.D.,Family Practitioner,International humanitarianReading your vignettes as I wrestle with my own memoir was a shock to my system. I felt as though I was moving from the twilight of my writing into a sun-drenched frolic. Moment after moment, the reader hears the request: Another helping of life, please. Further, there is also something for the mathematician that I happen to be. Each of the four sections has nine vignettes for a total of thirty-six a lot of perfect squares. Mel Currie, Ph.D., Former Chief of CryptographIc Design at NSAJim s writing draws us all in more closely, like his yoga classes, creating a sense of community. Dennis Yamashita, Recognized leader in U.S.-Japan relationships, Imperial award recipient: Order of the Rising Sun