eBook: Small Batch Cookies: Deliciously easy bakes for one to six people (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Edd Kimber 
系列: Edd Kimber Baking Titles
分類: Cookery dishes & courses ,
Desserts ,
Cakes, baking, icing & sugarcraft  
書城編號: 28346700

售價: $286.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Octopus
出版日期: 2024/08/29
ISBN: 9781804191866
>> 相關實體書

70 NEW RECIPES FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF ONE TIN BAKES!Craving a warm cookie, straight from the oven, but don't want to buy lots of expensive ingredients or make an enormous quantity to last for weeks? Then this is the recipe book for you! Edd's tasty cookies are simple to make, with straightforward instructions and mouth-watering flavours. Only ever making a maximum of 6 biscuits, these are the perfect little treat. From Lemon Custard Creams to Sticky Toffee Cookies, Red Velvet Sandwiches and Mint Thins there is a perfect cookie for every moment, to be made just for you. The first ever winner of The Great British Bake Off, Edd is known for his reliable recipes and expert baking know-how, so even a beginner baker is guaranteed to find joy in these 70 sumptuous recipes. Whether chewy or gooey, chocolatey or crunchy, a small batch of cookies makes everything better!
Edd Kimber Baking Titles

Small Batch Cookies: Deliciously easy bakes of 1, 2, 4 & 6 (Hardcover)

eBook: Small Batch Cookies: Deliciously easy bakes for one to six people (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Small Batch Bakes: Baking cakes, cookies, bars and buns for one to six people: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER (DRM EPUB)

Edd Kimber 作者作品表

French Bakes: From macaron to millefeuille and more (Paperback)

eBook: Small Batch Cookies: Deliciously easy bakes for one to six people (DRM EPUB)

Small Batch Cookies: Deliciously easy bakes of 1, 2, 4 & 6 (Hardcover)

eBook: Small Batch Bakes: Baking cakes, cookies, bars and buns for one to six people: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER (DRM EPUB)

Small Batch Bakes: Baking cakes, cookies, bars and buns for one to six people (Hardcover)

eBook: One Tin Bakes Easy: Foolproof cakes, traybakes, bars and bites from gluten-free to vegan and beyond (DRM EPUB)

One Tin Bakes: Sweet and simple traybakes, pies, bars and buns (Hardcover)

eBook: One Tin Bakes: Sweet and simple traybakes, pies, bars and buns (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Patisserie Made Simple: From macaron to millefeuille and more (DRM EPUB)

Patisserie Made Simple (Paperback)

Patisserie Made Simple (Hardcover)

Say It With Cake (Hardcover)

Boy Who Bakes (Hardcover)

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