The Tooth Mouse (hardcover)
作者: Susan Hood 
書城編號: 283487

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Kids Can Press
出版日期: 2012/08/01
重量: 0.46 kg
ISBN: 9781554535651

In this charming picture book written by Susan Hood, the Tooth Mouse (who replaces the Tooth Fairy in French-speaking countries) has called a meeting to announce her retirement. "I am not as spry as I used to be ... I have decided it is time to name my successor!" she tells the surprised crowd. Sophie, an energetic and very tiny mouse, desperately wants the job. "C'est moi!" Sophie thinks. "Choose me! Choose me!" But the position of Tooth Mouse --- or La Petite Souris --- isn't just given to anyone; it must be earned by participating in a difficult and dangerous three-part contest to determine which of all the mouse applicants is the most brave, honest and wise. Will Sophie, the smallest and daintiest of the aspirants, manage to beat the odds and win the challenging competition for her dream job?In the style of a classic fable, this gentle yet inspiring story is sure to captivate young children with the delightful idea of a small mouse making her way under the pillows of sleeping children at night instead of the Tooth Fairy. It also provides an irresistible and uplifting message that size doesn't have to determine who succeeds in life. Award-winning artist Janice Nadeau's lovely illustrations in soft, muted colors add a delicate whimsy to the tale. This book would be a fantastic read-aloud for any storytime. Sprinkled with French expressions and phrases throughout, it would make a terrific introduction to foreign languages as well.
Susan Hood 作者作品表

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