eBook: Greater than everything (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Maline Pearson Giolito, Hamid Kashkouli 
分類: Graphic novel & Manga artwork  
書城編號: 28351948

售價: $92.00

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製造商: Dar Alrafidain
出版日期: 2024/06/10
ISBN: 9789922671345

"Greatest of All" is a detective novel in the form of a thriller, written by Malin Persson Giolito, published in 2016. The novel won the Swedish Academy of Detective Novel Prize as "Best Swedish Detective Novel of 2016", and also won the Glass Key Award. The novel deals with The intertwining relationships of teenagers, members of the upper class in Sweden, who are members of the imaginary "Jorholm" High School, in the words of student Maya, who expresses through an internal monologue the complexities of the relationship she has with five other students and a teacher. The high school is shaken by the sound of gunfire, resulting in a number of casualties. Among the students, Maya survives and is summoned by the court nine months after the bloody tragedy. The novel depicts the effects of class dominance, social stigma, and racism on Swedish society, in a romantic form that is not devoid of suspense and excitement.

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