eBook: Ibn Battuta's secret manuscript, The Book of Eternity (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jassem Salman 
分類: Graphic novel & Manga artwork  
書城編號: 28351966

售價: $87.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Dar Alrafidain
出版日期: 2024/06/10
ISBN: 9789922691008

Did Ibn Battuta really die? Was his biography buried in the rubble of his journeys that began and have not stopped until today? Many secrets, organizations, and machinations in the Islamic states, from the Mamluks, Arabs, and Persians, and dealing with jinn, magic, and wonders. From Tangier to Cairo, Alexandria, Damascus, and even Baghdad, Anatolia, the borders of China, and far beyond that. The limits of journeys drawn by the feet of the great traveler or even his imagination, there is no difference. The important thing is that it was a journey, a journey through the remains of a life that would not have provided its owner with so many wonders. A traveler who might not have thought one day in his mind to write what he wrote had it not been for the compulsions that made many... Its secrets are kept secret, or kept in deprivation, but it was certainly not a forgotten journey, as there is always Ibn Battuta, there is always someone who travels and leaves, and if times change and the media diversify, let alone a journey within the folds of the journey. The biography of Ibn Battuta, an attempt at a second reading, with great boldness. Jassim Salman is trying to explore its depths. Ibn Battuta was in a prison there in the farthest part of the Levant, and perhaps in Iraq, or in other places.
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