eBook: Tomb of the Vizier Re'-wer at Saqqara (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: el-Fikey Said el-Fikey 
系列: Oxbow Classics in Egyptology
分類: Exhibition catalogues & specific collections ,
Middle Eastern history ,
Ancient history: to c 500 CE ,
Archaeology ,
Archaeology by period / region ,
Egyptian archaeology / Egyptology ,
BCE to c 500 CE ,
Ancient Egypt  
書城編號: 28353199

售價: $195.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Oxbow Books
出版日期: 2024/08/15
頁數: 88
ISBN: 9798888570906
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Provides a detailed description and interpretation of a lesser-known tomb forming part of the major pyramid and temple complex of Teti at Thebes.The tomb of Re‘-wer lies in the south-eastern corner of the mortuary temple of King Teti, first King of the 6th Dynasty, beside the pyramid of Teti, in the Old Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara. Excavations in 1906–7 and in the early 1920s were not published and the tomb was re-excavated and partly restored in 1975–7. It comprised a paved courtyard within a temenos containing the rectangular chapel tomb, with surviving structure built of fine quality limestone blocks in inner and outer walls. It is unusual in having two false doors in the west wall. The roof was missing. Nothing was recovered from a burial shaft that lies close to the tomb. The walls and false doors are adorned with inscriptions and reliefs. This facsimile reissue of Said el-Fikey’s detailed description of the surviving structure, decoration and transcription of the inscriptions is accompanied by a full set of photographs and illustrations. No biographical text survived and the author considers the possible date of the tomb in relation to the adjacent architecture and the style of the reliefs, concluding that it most likely dates to the reign of Pepi I. He discusses indications for the personality, family situation and official position of Re‘-wer, which may suggest that he was father to a wife of King Pepi and that both were disgraced for some reason.
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el-Fikey Said el-Fikey 作者作品表

eBook: Tomb of the Vizier Re'-wer at Saqqara (DRM PDF)

eBook: Tomb of the Vizier Re'-wer at Saqqara (DRM EPUB)

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