Look (Hardcover)
作者: Zan Romanoff 
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 2835785

原價: HK$180.00
現售: HK$171 節省: HK$9

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出版社: Dial
出版日期: 2020/03/31
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780525554264
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"[For] readers of Nina LaCour . . . Sharply incisive [and] deeply romantic." --Booklist

"Part coming-of-age story, part slow-burn romance, part feminist-manifesto." --SLJ

"[One of] the LGBTQ books that will change the literary landscape." --O Magazine

What Lulu Shapiro's 5,000 Flash followers don't know:

  • The video of her with another girl was never supposed to go public.
  • Owen definitely wasn't supposed to break up with her because of it.
  • Behind the online persona Lulu painstakingly curates, her life feels like a terrible, uncertain mess.

  • Then Lulu meets Cass. Cass isn't interested in looking at Lulu's life, only in living in it for real. And The Hotel--a gorgeous space with an intriguing, Old Hollywood history--seems like the perfect hideaway for their deepening romance. But just because Lulu has stepped out of the spotlight doesn't mean it'll stop following her every move.

    Look is about what you present vs. who you really are, about real and manufactured intimacy and the blurring of that line. It's a deceptively glamorous, utterly compelling, beautifully written, queer coming-of-age novel about falling in love and taking ownership of your own self--your whole self--in the age of social media.

    "Romantic and deeply resonant...Everything I hoped for and more." --Robyn Schneider, author of The Beginning of Everything
    "Witty, sensual, well-observed." --Francesca Lia Block, author of Weetzie Bat
    "I loved this book." --Mary H. K. Choi, author of Emergency Contact
    "A beautifully rendered...feminist coming-of-age story." --Jessica Morgan of Go Fug Yourself
    "Gorgeous." --Robin Benway, author of Far From the Tree
    "A complex, empathic examination of identity." --Amy Spalding, author of The Summer of Jordi Perez
    "A beautiful, intimate novel. I loved it so much." --Maurene Goo, author of The Way You Make Me Feel
    "Immediate...Deft...Astute...Compelling...Gripping and credible." --BCCB
    "[Zan Romanoff] is one of the best YA writers working today."--Brandy Colbert, author of Little & Lion

    Zan Romanoff 作者作品表

    eBook: Look (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Grace and the Fever (DRM EPUB)

    eBook: Song to Take the World Apart (DRM EPUB)

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