The Voice of the City (Paperback)
作者: O. Henry 
書城編號: 28364664

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Independent Cat
出版日期: 2024/01/22
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781396324062


"The Voice of the City" by O. Henry is a compelling collection of twenty-five short stories that delve into the vibrant and often challenging life of New York City.

Published in 1908, this anthology captures the essence of urban experience through O. Henry's unique lens of humor, empathy, and keen observation. The stories, inspired by his own experiences as a fugitive and prisoner, provide a poignant look at the everyday struggles and joys of the city's working-class inhabitants.

In the titular story, a reporter's quest for the authentic voice of New York leads him through a series of encounters that reveal the city's diverse perspectives. "The Complete Life of John Hopkins" portrays an ordinary man's extraordinary day, filled with unexpected twists and turns. "A Lickpenny Lover" highlights the dreams and disillusionments of a young shop girl.

O. Henry's storytelling, marked by wit and a talent for surprising endings, offers a timeless reflection on urban life.

O. Henry 作者作品表

The Four Million (Paperback)

Repollos y Reyes (Relatos de una República Bananera) (Hardcover)

Repollos y Reyes (Relatos de una República Bananera) (Paperback)

Roads of Destiny (Paperback)

eBook: O. Henry Selected Stories (DRM EPUB)

The Gift of the Magi (Hardcover)

Cabbages And Kings (Paperback)

The Voice of the City (Paperback)

eBook: Voice of the City (DRM EPUB)

The Gift of the Magi (Paperback)

The Gift of the Magi (Paperback)

O. Henryana Seven Odds and Ends, Poetry and Short Stories (Paperback)

O. Henryana Seven Odds and Ends, Poetry and Short Stories (Paperback)

Roads of Destiny: in large print (Hardcover)

Letters to Lithopolis: From O. Henry to Mabel Wagnalls (Hardcover)

The Trimmed Lamp (Hardcover)

Letters to Lithopolis: From O. Henry to Mabel Wagnalls (Paperback)

The Trimmed Lamp, and Other Stories of the Four Million: in large print (Hardcover)

The Trimmed Lamp, and Other Stories of the Four Million: in large print (Paperback)

Into Modern Times with O. Henry (Compact Disc)

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