Dinos Love Donuts (Paperback)
作者: Ben Okon 
書城編號: 28372453

售價: $90.00

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出版社: Younger Media Llc
出版日期: 2024/07/31
重量: 0.12 kg
ISBN: 9781961428201



If you laughed at the New York Times' best selling Dragons Love Tacos, you'll be jelly-rolling on the floor laughing with Dinos Love Donuts!

"It's just a matter of time before Dinos Love Donuts takes over the New York Times bestseller list, and stays there!"

"THIS is the book that saved our bedtime routine. Goodnight Moon begone, my kids BEG to go to bed so they can read this!"

Dinos may love donuts, but not as much as your kids will DELIGHT in this HILARIOUS book again and again! And you will, too!

Here's what you'll get:

✓ Magical rhythmic rhymes will have you reading like Lin Manuel Miranda (music creator for Disney's Encanto and Moana) in no time

✓ A fantastic bedtime bribe - kids will want to read it again and again

✓ Silly and colorful art will make you smile and laugh on every page

✓ Sparks a love of reading in even the most hesitant children!

✓ Great for adults too! A perfect 3-5 minute read time and subtle grown-up humor built in!

✓ A surprise, twist ending that will make you snicker every time!

✓ Puns galore!

✓ A clever nod to fables and nursery rhymes in its style, but with a fully modern twist

✓ Quality you can trust: brought to you by Google strategist and award-winning creator of Younger me Academy children's books Ben Okon.

Just like the Dinos, who knows when you'll run out of time?

Ben Okon 作者作品表

Matt the Monkey Faces His Future (Hardcover)

Joelle the Whale Shark Grew and Grew: Growth Mindset (Hardcover)

Dinos Love Donuts (Paperback)

Judah Giraffe Is Happy to Be Wrong: The Scientific Method (Hardcover)

Nora and Cora Narwhal Prove Whales Can Fly: Designing Experiments (Hardcover)

Oliver Octopus and the Unwinnable Game: Equity vs. Equality (Hardcover)

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