eBook: Encyclopedia of Best Films: A Century of All the Finest Movies, K-R (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jay Robert Nash 
分類: Films, cinema ,
Film guides & reviews ,
Reference works ,
Consumer advice  
書城編號: 28401900

售價: $2249.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2019/10/23
ISBN: 9781538134153
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This all-inclusive A-Z encyclopedia by one of the worlds foremost experts on cinema provides comprehensive annotations of the best films produced from 1914 on. The work offers more than 5,000 three- to five-star entries (three stars=good; four stars=excellent; five stars=masterpiece), and yes, author Jay Robert Nash has viewed every single one of them as well as many more that did not "make the cut." In addition to a precis, each films entry also includes a listing of the cast as well as the key principles involved in production, from the director to the hair stylist. Especially unique to this book is a rating system that helps parents determine whether or not a film is appropriate for their children. Unlike the industry rating system which can be influenced by studio lobbying, Nash objectively evaluates each film and confers upon it one of four recommendations for viewing: recommended, acceptable, cautionary, and unacceptable. Backmatter includes a list of top films by genre (i.e. animated, drama, sports, mystery, adventure etc.) as well as an annotated name index listing all persons mentioned along with their dates of birth and death. Rounding out this essential volume for the film buff are over 500 still photos from the authors private collection.
Jay Robert Nash 作者作品表

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