Reconstruction in Philosophy (Paperback)
作者: John Dewey 
書城編號: 28405271

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Independent Cat
出版日期: 2024/05/02
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781835919262


Embark on a philosophical journey of revitalization and innovation with "Reconstruction in Philosophy" by John Dewey. In this groundbreaking work, Dewey seeks to breathe new life into the field of philosophy, advocating for a fresh approach that embraces the complexities of modern life and thought.

With intellectual vigor and clarity, Dewey challenges traditional philosophical paradigms, arguing for a dynamic and pragmatic philosophy that is rooted in human experience and responsive to the demands of an ever-changing world. Drawing from insights across various disciplines, Dewey proposes a philosophy that is not static and dogmatic, but rather open-minded and adaptive, capable of addressing the pressing issues of the day.

Through a series of insightful essays and thoughtful reflections, "Reconstruction in Philosophy" invites readers to reconsider the nature of truth, reality, and knowledge in light of contemporary developments in science, psychology, and culture. Dewey's vision of philosophy as a tool for social progress and intellectual exploration inspires readers to engage critically with the world around them and to actively participate in the ongoing process of philosophical inquiry and reconstruction.

More than just a philosophical treatise, "Reconstruction in Philosophy" is a call to action for all those who seek to understand the complexities of existence and to contribute to the ongoing evolution of human thought. With its blend of scholarly rigor and visionary insight, this book is sure to provoke thought, stimulate debate, and inspire readers to imagine new possibilities for the future of philosophy and society.

John Dewey 作者作品表

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Psychology and Social Practice (Paperback)

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Studies in Logical Theory (Paperback)

Moral Principles In Education (Paperback)

German Philosophy And Politics (Paperback)

Human Nature And Conduct (Paperback)

The Human Understanding (Paperback)

How We Think (Paperback)

eBook: Human Nature and Conduct (mp3 zips)

eBook: How We Think (mp3 zips)

China, Japan And The U.S.A. (Paperback)

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