eBook: Gamer's Introduction to Programming in C#: Welcome Brave Adventurer! (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Aaron Langille 
分類: Digital animation ,
Algorithms & data structures ,
Games development & programming ,
Programming & scripting languages: general ,
Software Engineering ,
Computer science  
書城編號: 28408366

售價: $585.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2024/08/28
頁數: 342
ISBN: 9781040099261
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Turn your love of video games into a new love of programming by learning the ins and outs of writing code while also learning how to keep track of high scores, what video game heroes and loot boxes are made of, how the dreaded RNG (random number generation) works, and much, much more. This book is the first in an ongoing series designed to take readers from no coding knowledge to writing their own video games and interactive digital experiences using industry standard languages and tools. But coding books are technical, boring, and scary, aren't they? Not this one. Within these pages, readers will find a fun and approachable adventure that will introduce them to the essential programming fundamentals like variables, computer-based math operations, RNG, logic structures, including if-statements and loops, and even some object-oriented programming. Using Visual Studio and C#, readers will write simple but fun console programs and text-based games that will build coding skills and confidence. Packed with practical examples and plain-language explanations, this book is structured like a video game, complete with levels to progress through, bonus levels for extra practice, cutscenes that offer info-packed coding breaks, and end-of-level code rewards to illustrate how everything fits together. Gain even more experience by exploring the resources and bonus materials at the companion website: https://welcomebraveadventurer.ca. Engaging and concise, this book is appealing to both a general readership as well as course convenors and students of programming. Put on your cap of +5 courage and level up by joining the coding adventure that awaits you inside!
Aaron Langille 作者作品表

eBook: Gamer's Introduction to Programming in C#: Welcome Brave Adventurer! (DRM PDF)

eBook: Gamer's Introduction to Programming in C#: Welcome Brave Adventurer! (DRM EPUB)

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