eBook: Conversing in the Metaverse: The Embodied Future of Online Communication (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jieun Kiaer 
分類: linguistics ,
Sociolinguistics ,
Semantics, discourse analysis, etc ,
Communication studies ,
Sociology ,
Media, information & communication industries ,
Impact of science & technology on society ,
Social networking  
書城編號: 28408902

售價: $1112.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/07/25
頁數: 264
ISBN: 9781350338531
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How do metaverse technologies change how we communicate with each other? This book explores how existing metaverse technologies affect our communication, both verbal and non-verbal, as well as the ramifications of these effects.Communication is central to the human experience, and how we currently communicate (and will communicate) can affect our sense of identity and relationships with others, which can have huge long term societal repercussions. Utilising methods of digital ethnography and linguistic landscape, this book takes an in-depth look at what exactly the metaverse is-or will be-and tracks the technological and societal trends that surround it. To do so, it questions what differentiates the metaverse from earlier connected virtual worlds like World of Warcraft or Second Life, and features extracts from interviews with the users and developers of current metaverses, such as Roblox, Minecraft, and Gather.town. It also investigates the impact of the pandemic in changing and accelerating how we communicate in virtual spaces.
Jieun Kiaer 作者作品表

The Future of Syntax: Asian Perspectives in an AI Age (Paperback)

Multilingual Classrooms for Young Children in the UK: Advancing Diversity through Technology and Research (Hardcover)

Multilingual Classrooms for Young Children in the UK: Advancing Diversity through Technology and Research (Paperback)

The Language of Hallyu: More than Polite (Paperback)

Words Like Us: The Lives of English Words in the Twenty-First Century (Hardcover)

eBook: Conversing in the Metaverse: The Embodied Future of Online Communication (DRM PDF)

eBook: Conversing in the Metaverse: The Embodied Future of Online Communication (DRM EPUB)

The Language of Asian Gestures: Embodied Words Through the Lens of Film (Hardcover)

The Future of Syntax: Asian Perspectives in an AI Age (Hardcover)

Emergence of Korean English: How Korea's Dynamic English Is Born (Hardcover)

The K-Wave On-Screen: In Words and Objects (Hardcover)

The K-Wave On-Screen: In Words and Objects (Paperback)

eBook: Language of Hallyu: More than Polite (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Language of Hallyu: More than Polite (DRM PDF)

Lessons from a Translingual Romance: Conflict and Cultural Innovation of Intercultural Couples (2023) (Hardcover)

eBook: Multimodal Communication in Young Multilingual Children (DRM PDF)

eBook: Multimodal Communication in Young Multilingual Children (DRM EPUB)

Translation and Literature in East Asia: Between Visibility and Invisibility (Paperback)

eBook: Study Abroad in Korea: Korean Language and Culture (DRM PDF)

eBook: Study Abroad in Korea: Korean Language and Culture (DRM EPUB)

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