eBook: City Is Ours: Spaces of Political Mobilization and Imaginaries of Nationhood in Turkey (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Muna Guvenc 
分類: City & town planning - architectural aspects ,
Middle Eastern history ,
21st century history: from c 2000 - ,
Human geography ,
c 2000 to c 2010 ,
Turkey ,
Ottoman Empire  
書城編號: 28409300

售價: $1950.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Cornell University Press
出版日期: 2024/08/15
頁數: 264
ISBN: 9781501774362
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The City is Ours accounts how urban politics mediated the rise of Kurdish nationhood and mobilization in Diyarbakir, Turkey. Muna Guvenc elucidates how urban and architectural forms are not merely the backdrop of the cityscape where political struggles unfold; they constitute the very essence of these conflicts. Guvenc posits that urban spaces offer "wiggle room", turning oppression into chances for dissent and resilience and offering opportunities for vulnerable minority groups to create sociopolitical blocs and mobilizations. Guvenc takes readers from municipal halls to the streets and illustrates how, in the early 2000s, pro-Kurdish parties harnessed urban planning to resist coercion and foster Kurdish mobilization in Turkey. Guvenc challenges readers to rethink urban neoliberalism, new forms of nationalisms and mobilizations, and the ways they shape cities and politics. The City is Ours is a profound awakening, an invitation to all architects and urban planners, urging them to rise above the confines of their blueprints and embrace the vast tapestry of the politics of space.
Muna Guvenc 作者作品表

The City Is Ours: Spaces of Political Mobilization and Imaginaries of Nationhood in Turkey (Hardcover)

The City Is Ours: Spaces of Political Mobilization and Imaginaries of Nationhood in Turkey (Paperback)

eBook: City Is Ours: Spaces of Political Mobilization and Imaginaries of Nationhood in Turkey (DRM PDF)

eBook: City Is Ours: Spaces of Political Mobilization and Imaginaries of Nationhood in Turkey (DRM EPUB)

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