eBook: Shawshank Redemption (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Mark Kermode 
系列: BFI Film Classics
分類: Film theory & criticism ,
Film guides & reviews ,
書城編號: 28410159

售價: $152.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2024/09/05
頁數: 104
ISBN: 9781839027246
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How did a low-key prison drama which was considered a box-office flop on its original release become one of the most popular movies of all time? Mark Kermode traces the history of this unexpected audience favourite, from its source in Stephen King's novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, through the icy corridors of Ohio's Mansfield Reformatory (whose imposing gothic architecture dominates the film), to the television and video screens on which The Shawshank Redemption became a phenomenon. Kermode's account includes insights from writer/director Frank Darabont and leading players Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. He also explores the near-religious fervour that the film continues to inspire its huge number of devoted fans.This new edition, published to coincide with the 30th anniversary of Shawshank's release, includes a new foreword by Mark Kermode re-assessing the film's impact and legacy.
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Mark Kermode 作者作品表

eBook: Shawshank Redemption (DRM PDF)

eBook: Shawshank Redemption (DRM EPUB)

How Does It Feel? (Paperback)

How Does It Feel? (Hardcover)

How Does It Feel? (Paperback)

eBook: How Does It Feel?: A Life of Musical Misadventures (DRM EPUB)

Silent Running (Paperback)

Hatchet Job (Paperback)

Hatchet Job (Hardcover)

eBook: Hatchet Job: Love Movies, Hate Critics (DRM EPUB)

Good, the Bad and the Multiplex (Paperback)

eBook: Good, The Bad and The Multiplex (mp3 zips)

eBook: Good, The Bad and The Multiplex (DRM EPUB)

Good, the Bad and the Multiplex (Hardcover)

It's Only a Movie (Paperback)

eBook: It's Only a Movie: Reel Life Adventures of a Film Obsessive (mp3 zips)

eBook: It's Only a Movie: Reel Life Adventures of a Film Obsessive (DRM EPUB)

Exorcist (Paperback)

Shawshank Redemption (Paperback)

Mark Kermode's Surround Sound: How Film Music is Made (Paperback)

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