Ganesha's Sweet Tooth (hardcover)
作者: Sanjay Patel 
分類: Picture books  
書城編號: 284114

原價: HK$170.00
現售: HK$161.5 節省: HK$8.5

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出版社: Chronicle Books
出版日期: 2012/09/19
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781452103624

The bold, bright colors of India leap right off the page in this fresh and funny picture book retelling (with a twist) of how Ganesha came to help write the epic poem of Hindu literature, the Mahabharata. Ganesha is just like any other kid, except that he has the head of an elephant and rides around on a magical mouse. And he loves sweets, especially the traditional dessert laddoo. But when Ganesha insists on biting into a super jumbo jawbreaker laddoo, his tusk breaks off Ganesha is terribly upset, but with the help of the wise poet Vyasa, and his friend Mr. Mouse, he learns that what seems broken can actually be quite useful after all. With vibrant, graphic illustrations, expressive characters, and offbeat humor, this is a wonderfully inventive rendition of a classic tale.
Sanjay Patel 作者作品表

Pharma Greed (Paperback)

From Layoff to Take-Off: 31 Practical Concepts to Make a Meaningful Transition After a Layoff (Paperback)

The Art of Learning: Applying Cognitive Development in student Life (Paperback)

The Motivated Mind: Cultivating Self Regulation in Education (Paperback)

eBook: Ghee Happy Goddesses: A Little Board Book of Hindu Deities (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ghee Happy Goddesses: A Little Board Book of Hindu Deities (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ghee Happy Gods: A Little Board Book of Hindu Deities (DRM PDF)

Ganesha's Great Race (Compact Disc)

Ganesha's Great Race (MP3 CD)

eBook: Ghee Happy Gods: A Little Board Book of Hindu Deities (DRM EPUB)

Betoverende Smaken: Ontdek de Geheimen van de Indiase Keuken (Paperback)

Kuchnia Indyjska: Odkryj Tajemnice Aromatycznych Przepisów z Dalekiego Wschodu! (Paperback)

eBook: My Hidden Journey (DRM EPUB)

Ganesha's Sweet Tooth (Paperback)

Ganesha's Sweet Tooth (hardcover)

Ramayana (Hardcover)

Little Book of Hindu Deities (Paperback)

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