eBook: Predication in African Languages (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Essegbey James Essegbey, Aboh Enoch O. Aboh 
系列: Studies in Language Companion Series
分類: Grammar, syntax & morphology ,
African languages  
書城編號: 28412473

售價: $1365.00

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製造商: John Benjamins Publishing Company
出版日期: 2024/07/15
頁數: 356
ISBN: 9789027247018

This book discusses patterns of predication and their grammatical and semantic implications in a variety of African languages. It covers several prominent topics about predication in the languages, including locative predication, expressions of tense, aspect, and mood in relation to verbal complexes and verb serialisation, verb semantics, and nominalization of predicates. The chapters take inspiration from Felix Ameka's approach to the study of language according to which the main task of a linguist is to collaborate with language users to understand communicative practices in different contexts and to uncover how these practices impact grammatical and semantic aspects of the language. Accordingly, the descriptions and analyses in this book serve to understand language variation in different ecologies, rather than to impose pre-established descriptive frames on less described languages. Together, the chapters in the book represent a bird's eye view of predication strategies in various African languages and can therefore serve as readings for both introductory and advanced level courses on predication from a typological or comparative perspective.
Studies in Language Companion Series

eBook: Predication in African Languages (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Predication in African Languages (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Granularity in the Verbalization of Events and Objects: A cross-linguistic study (DRM EPUB)

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