eBook: Algorithmic Trading Systems and Strategies: A New Approach: Design, Build, and Maintain an Effective Strategy Search Mechanism (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Viktoria Dolzhenko 
分類: Investment & securities ,
Algorithms & data structures ,
Computer science  
書城編號: 28413129

售價: $650.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Apress
出版日期: 2024/07/05
ISBN: 9798868803574
>> 相關實體書

Design and develop a complex trading system from idea to operation. Old approaches were based on manually searching for strategy ideas. This book shows you how to create a system that will generate, optimize, and launch profitable strategies into a fully automatic mode.Imagine a system that only requires access to the Internet and electricity from a trader. This book describes the architecture and features of such a system and provides recommendations for further development. Most books cover only the implementation stage and overlook the design and maintenance of these systems. Here, you ll walk through the entire process of creating a complex, scalable and easily supported system.For example, you ll design an application based on microservice architecture and learn about development environments. You ll also examine the advantages of horizontal scaling in the context of creating trading systems. Along the way, you ll set up Kubernetes, connect the monitoring system. and understand the intricacies of continuous integration and continuous delivery.Testing and identifying only dozens of strategies is a thing of the past. Algorithmic Trading Systems and Strategies: A New Approach shows you how to analyze thousands in the same amount of time. 
Viktoria Dolzhenko 作者作品表

Algorithmic Trading Systems & Strategies: A New Approach: Design, Build and Maintain an Effective Strategy Search Mechanism (Paperback)

eBook: Algorithmic Trading Systems and Strategies: A New Approach: Design, Build, and Maintain an Effective Strategy Search Mechanism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Algorithmic Trading Systems and Strategies: A New Approach: Design, Build, and Maintain an Effective Strategy Search Mechanism (DRM EPUB)

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