Streetlight People (Hardcover)
作者: Charlene Thomas 
書城編號: 28414483

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Dutton
出版日期: 2024/11/05
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9780593618868

A little bit Twin Peaks, a little bit Black Mirror, Streetlight People is a story of growing up in--and out of--a small town with a huge secret.

For most, Streetlight is a dot on the map you pass on your way to somewhere else. But if you live there, you're either a Have-Not, like Kady, or a Have-Lot like her boyfriend, Nik, who also happens to be a member of the exclusive social club, The IV Boys.

Known for their powerful families and the coveted ball they host for a selective guest list, The IV Boys have always refused to accept Kady regardless of how much Nik loves her. All the Boys except for Aaron, who didn't grow up in Streetlight and is one of the few who knows that life--real life--exists outside of it. But his stepmom has the kind of wealth and power even IV Boys can't resist.

With Nik at college, Aaron stands by Kady's side. But all Kady really wants is Nik, and when a chance encounter on Halloween hands her the power to twist and hold time, she doesn't hesitate. Now she can keep Nik close for as long as she wants.

While Kady tries to relive her best moments with Nik, the IV Boys have her in their sights. A rumor's spreading that Kady and Aaron are much more than friends--and not even twisting time is enough to defend against the power that the Boys were born with.

The more Kady changes the clock, the more dizzying reality becomes, until she stumbles upon a truth darker than anything she could have imagined. Streetlight is filled with monsters--and maybe she's always been one, too.

Charlene Thomas 作者作品表

It's You Every Time (Paperback)

Streetlight People (Hardcover)

eBook: Seton Girls (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Story of Jimmy Chin: The Little Christmas Tree, Who Could Not Wait for Spring (DRM EPUB)

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