Surviving Success (Paperback)
作者: Tim Wise 
書城編號: 28414974

售價: $190.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2024/07/15
重量: 0.12 kg
ISBN: 9781763584280


In Surviving Success, Tim Wise explores the paradox of achieving conventional success while missing out on genuine fulfillment. Drawing from personal experiences and profound insights, Tim presents a guide to breaking free from the confines of societal expectations and embracing a more meaningful existence. He introduces concepts such as the "Amped Stillness Model," which integrates the chaos of daily life with the tranquility of inner peace. Through this book, readers will learn to balance achievement with a deeper connection to their true selves, ultimately leading to a more enriched and empowered life.

Excerpt from Surviving Success

"From a relatively young age, I wondered how I could escape the suffering I felt on an almost constant basis. It's not that I had a harsh upbringing in any way. I was fortunate to have had loving parents who worked hard and only wanted the best for me and my two siblings... but this wasn't enough for me. I wanted more. And yet I did not know what was missing, I just knew that there was something to discover or find. I felt disconnected from my True Purpose and felt there was something missing. I believed there must be more but didn't know what." Tim Wise

Tim Wise 作者作品表

Surviving Success (Paperback)

eBook: Dispatches from the Race War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Under the Affluence: Shaming the Poor, Praising the Rich and Sacrificing the Future of America (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority (DRM EPUB)

Dear White America: Letter to a New Minority (paperback)

White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son (Revised) (paperback)

eBook: White Like Me (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Colorblind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat from Racial Equity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Speaking Treason Fluently (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama (DRM EPUB)

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