I Can, I Will, I Must! (Paperback)
作者: Kevin B. Dibacco 
書城編號: 28417645

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Manjul Pub House Pvt Ltd
出版日期: 2024/05/06
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9789359839783

Change your Thinking, Change your Life! We all face adversity, though never the same storms. Yet in our darkest moments, we share one truth: the power to rise lies within. Kevin B DiBacco's empowering new book ""I Can, I Will, I Must lights the way forward through life's trials, revealing how to cultivate resilience and thrive through even the greatest challenges. When faced with hardship, uplift your spirit and unlock the inner might to endure and grow. Positive thinking is the rich soil, and thoughts are the seeds. When you sow well, your reality will blossom with a garden of endless possibilities. Thinking positively has a magical effect. The title ""I Can, I Will, I Muut"" emphasizes a dedication to both professional and personal development as well as practical solutions. In this book, scientific research and practical wisdom are expertly combined by author Kevin B. DiBacco to create a gripping story that encourages readers to realize their extraordinary potential. This book serves as a potent reminder that each challenge presents a chance for development.
Kevin B. Dibacco 作者作品表

Powerlifting With Bands (Paperback)

Bad Air: What are we Breathing? (Paperback)

Fitness Decoded (Paperback)

Microplastics: Poisoning the People (Paperback)

Single Band Workout (Paperback)

We All Need Hope (Paperback)

Chemicals in our Food (Paperback)

Being Weird (Paperback)

Being Weird: Unleash your inner weirdo and conquer the World (Paperback)

Recharge The Powernap ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

The Confident Warrior: How to Cultivate Confidence in everyday life, then use it! (Paperback)

My Generation: What group were you born into? (Paperback)

The Handshake: Around the World (Paperback)

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I Can, I Will, I Must! (Paperback)

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