Practical Appreciative Inquiry: A Toolkit for Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Organisational Challenges, Opportunities, and Aspirations (Paperback)
作者: Sarah Lewis 
分類: Psychology  
書城編號: 28418369

原價: HK$325.00
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出版社: John Wiley & Sons Inc
出版日期: 2025/01/23 (快將出版)
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781394198122


Equips leaders with a revolutionary approach to achieving positive organizational change

Practical Appreciative Inquiry: A Toolkit for Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Organisational Challenges, Opportunities, and Aspirations helps experienced practitioners and newcomers alike harness the versatility and flexibility of appreciative inquiry to improve any organization. An invaluable "how to" guide, it contains a wealth of ideas and activities that readers can use to put appreciative inquiry into practice in many different organisational scenarios. It demonstrates how to achieve change while fostering positive relationships, promoting collective learning, and utilizing the best features of the organization's culture to make rapid improvements.

Sarah Lewis, a specialist organizational consultant and facilitator, provides step-by-step advice for developing the leadership mindset required for practising appreciative leadership, building resilience within an organization, motivating performance, boosting team creativity, supporting planned change processes, and much more.

Covering all key aspects of appreciative inquiry from a practice-oriented perspective, Practical Appreciative Inquiry:

  • Guides readers on applying appreciative inquiry theory in a wide range of real-world management scenarios
  • Integrates numerous case studies and examples of appreciative inquiry in action, including many from the author's own practice
  • Introduces the 5D model of appreciative inquiry and the SOAR model of strategy development
  • Explains how to develop, deliver, and follow up an appreciative inquiry event, summit, and commission
  • Discusses appreciative inquiry approaches to specific organizational issues, such as fostering team member diversity, reducing silo mentality, virtual working challenges, and health interventions
  • Contains learning points, discussion questions, additional readings, teaching exercises, and links to online resources in each chapter

Practical Appreciative Inquiry: A Toolkit for Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Organisational Challenges, Opportunities, and Aspirations is a must-read for all leaders, managers, and team members wanting to improve their organization, as well as consultants and organizational development experts interested in using appreciative inquiry in their practice.

Sarah Lewis 作者作品表

Practical Appreciative Inquiry: A Toolkit for Applying Appreciative Inquiry to Organisational Challenges, Opportunities, and Aspirations (Paperback)

The Unseen Truth: When Race Changed Sight in America (Compact Disc)

The Unseen Truth: When Race Changed Sight in America (MP3 CD)

eBook: Michael and Mo (DRM EPUB)

Just Him and Me (Paperback)

WorldViews Junior Workbook: Project42 Edition: Project 42 (Paperback)

WorldViews Workbook: Project42 Edition (Paperback)

Time and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage (Paperback)

eBook: William and the Mysterious Letters (DRM EPUB)

English Code American 6 Assessment Book (Spiral bound)

eBook: Time and Gender on the Shakespearean Stage (DRM PDF)

English Code American 5 Assessment Book (Spiral bound)

The Slow Tourist in Flintshir: Adventures at low speed (Illustrated ed) (Paperback)

Phpp Illustrated (Paperback)

Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management (Paperback)

Positive Psychology and Change - How Leadership, Collaboration and Appreciative Inquiry Create Transformational Results (Hardcover)

Aperture 223: Vision & Justice (Colour)

eBook: Therapeutic Correctional Relationships: Theory, research and practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Therapeutic Correctional Relationships: Theory, research and practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Positive Psychology and Change (DRM PDF)

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