Poo Pile on the Prairie (Hardcover)
作者: Amy Hevron 
書城編號: 28418787

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Beach Lane Books
出版日期: 2025/02/18 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781665935029

A Junior Library Guild Selection

Get the scoop on bison poop and the tiny ecosystem it creates in this new book in an illuminating nonfiction picture book series that explores how even the smallest habitats play big roles in nature.

Behold! The majestic bison of the Great Plains! Hear them thunder across the prairie! Watch them mow down miles of meadows! See them...poo.

Did you know that entire tiny habitats can form on a pile of poo? In the prairies of North America, bison roam the land, and their poo becomes an important building block for diverse prairie ecosystems. It fertilizes the soil, spreads seeds, and houses and feeds hundreds of tiny grassland species, which in turn feed birds and small mammals, which then attract bigger animals, and the cycle goes on! With snappy, funny text and lush illustrations, this book invites curious readers to explore a tiny ecosystem that's truly abuzz with life.

Amy Hevron 作者作品表

Poo Pile on the Prairie (Hardcover)

Sunken Ship (Hardcover)

City of Leafcutter Ants: A Sustainable Society of Millions (Hardcover)

Dust Bunny Wants A Friend (Hardcover)

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