The Little Book of Weather (Hardcover)
作者: Adam Scaife 
分類: Reference works ,
Meteorology & climatology ,
書城編號: 28419681

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: Princeton Univ Pr
出版日期: 2024/10/22
ISBN: 9780691259994
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A charming, richly illustrated, pocket-size exploration of the world's weather

Packed with surprising facts, this delightful and gorgeously designed book will beguile anyone who is curious about weather. Expertly written and beautifully illustrated throughout with color photographs and original color artwork, The Little Book of Weather is an accessible and enjoyable mini-reference about the world's weather, with examples drawn from across the globe. It fits an astonishing amount of information in a small package, covering a wide range of topics--from weather forecasting and extreme events such as hurricanes and typhoons to the future of weather with climate change. It also includes curious facts, myths, and history--from whether animals can predict the weather to the bad weather that helped doom Napoleon and Hitler's invasions of Russia and the Soviet Union. The result is an irresistible guide to the amazing world of weather.

  • A beautifully designed pocket-size book with a foil-stamped cloth cover
  • Features some 140 color illustrations and photos
  • Makes a perfect gift
Adam Scaife 作者作品表

eBook: Little Book of Weather (DRM PDF)

eBook: Little Book of Weather (DRM EPUB)

30-Second Weather: The 50 most significant phenomena and events, each explained in half a minute (Paperback)

eBook: 30-Second Weather: The 50 most significant phenomena and events, each explained in half a minute (DRM EPUB)

30-Second Meteorology (Hardcover)

eBook: 30-Second Meteorology: The 50 Most Significant Events and Phenomena, each explained in Half a Minute (DRM EPUB)

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